&hint1=I am a 19th century oil painting& &hint2=I was painted by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres& &hint3=I am a French academic painting that portrays women as no more than objects of male sexual desire& &hint4=I show the inside of a bathouse& &choices=Post-Partum Document;The Turkish Bath (Sleigh);One panel from the series Rebirth of Venus;Untitled (Your gaze hits the side of my face);Untitled Film Still No 3;Turkish Bath (Ingres)& &answer=Turkish Bath (Ingres)& &search=Turkish Bath Ingres& &title=Turkish Bath& &artist=Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1862& &location=Musee du Louvre, Paris& &dimensions=3'6 1/2" diameter&